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Contact Us
You love sport, we love sport.
Here at Tassie Awards and Trophies we all play sport.
You will find us on the netball court standing next to you, maybe calling down the basketball court to you, or perhaps standing opposite you on the tennis court.
We are lining up beside you in the 50m, warming up behind you on the athletics field, or teeing off before you on the golf course.
We are players, administrators, record keepers, time keepers, coaches, and committee members.
We will be seated next to you at the end of year dinner, and if we can't be there in person we will be there with you in trophy, award, medallion, ribbon, plaque, or shield.
Tassie Awards and Trophies are proud to support Tasmanian sportsmen, women, and children and the many sports that we all love and play.
(03) 6288 7970 or 0423 419 866
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